The Other Victims of 9/11
On 11 September 2001, about 3000 people died in the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. Today, on the 10th anniversary, their nation stops again to mourn those 9/11 victims. People around...
View ArticleMemory Fails Me
Scooping up the two aces, she adds them to her pile, her total now at 13 pairs. Turning over a nine of clubs, she puts her head to one side, making a show of thinking about her next move, but we both...
View ArticleTrudge Trudge
What if it’s not that I’m old, it’s just that I never paid attention to music? Would that be better? As, ahem, much older friends and family members start hitting 60 and 65, I am stumped for gift...
View ArticlePassports & Bathing Suits
Reflections on the completely gratuitous ravages caused by the passage of time. I mean, who asked it? The hits just keep on coming. Nothing brings you into touch with your ‘not quite as toned as...
View ArticleThe First Day
Last January 1st, I wrote the piece that follows this introduction to try to quiet the noise in my head after my father’s death just a few weeks earlier. Last spring, writing after the death of his own...
View ArticleWhen We Go
Two exchanges overheard at the ballpark lead me to do some serious thinking about what my life means, now, at the end of it, and later. How was your winter? The winter wasn’t bad, but I lost my wife...
View ArticleIn the Long Run
Intimations of death by freeway driving; warnings of deterioration by refusing to drive on the freeway. What’s a girl to do? This truck does not exceed 100 km/hour. Printed to be read at several...
View ArticleTime’s Winged Chariot
Life’s too short: a philosophy that fits neatly on a t-shirt and that resonates easily for anyone asked to drink cheap wine. Life’s too long: that takes a little more space and effort to explore....
View ArticleBitter. Sweet.
Coming to the end of a snowbird visit to Phoenix, I reflect on looking back, looking ahead, and being in the moment. Bam! Off to my left, four mourning doves explode from cover and I jump...
View ArticleSo Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu
Repetitive farewells to fellow cruisers contrast sharply with an unexpected death in my circle of friends. A final zodiac ride back to the ship from the last excursion ashore: happenstance boat-mates...
View ArticleWhen (Not If) Winter Comes
The grasses glow as October light falls sideways against their end-of-season mix of colours. More often than not, the fall winds rustle their drying stalks and fronds. Grasses glowing in early morning...
View ArticleOde by a Geriatric Urn
An ad for trusted facial filler provokes dark thoughts. Continue reading →
View ArticleIn Perpetuity
Signs on heritage buildings in Victoria provoke some thoughts on permanence and transience. Continue reading →
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